Programmer and Trance enjoyer.

Age 25, Male


Joined on 3/28/15

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Ladies and gentlemen! Cinematic and Electronic musicians!

I hereby announce the start of my first ever Production Contest!

Here are the rules:

  • A bit obvious, but I want to say it again: you must submit an original mix. No covers, and your audio must respect the Audio Portal Guidelines.
  • Your piece must be available to download.
  • One piece per person. You can make multiple pieces but submit only one of them, to make it fair.

And now for the main rule:

Your piece must be based on one of these short 3 audio drafts:

1) Danger Alert. Keywords: Sense of urgency, Danger. Tips: good for Drum and Bass, metal and/or very "raw" sounds.

2) Final Challenge. Keywords: Anxiety, Determination. Tips: very videogame-like (especially rpg), good with vibrant melodies (probably).

3) Andros. Keywords: EDM, Sense of Wonder. Tips. Your typical electronic music piece. If you want something more "safe" to work with.

  • You don't have to use the extract directly/snap it as it is in your project. You have to take inspiration from it, and use your style to try and grasp the ideas I have suggested for each draft. I will penalize a little who copy-pastes the drafts over and over: I want to see creativity.
  • Each piece must be minimum 2 minutes long, and maximum 5 minutes long, in order to get accepted and eligible for prizes. A plus/minus 15 seconds mercy factor will be applied, so you can make it 1 minutes and 45 seconds long, for example: that counts too.

Now for the cool part: the prizes!

1st place: Dedicated NG forum graphic, one free extra commission of choice between Profile Picture/Youtube banner, free Ringtone commission, shoutout on my Youtube channel, friend request on Discord.

2nd place: Dedicated NG Forum Graphic, one free extra commission of choice between Profile Picture/Youtube Banner, shoutout on my Youtube channel, Friend request on Discord.

3rd place: Dedicated NG Forum Graphic, shoutout on my Youtube channel, friend request on Discord.

Bonus Prize: Friend request on Discord, one cover request of any Newgrounds song (only whitelisted Geometry Dash artists allowed).

DEADLINE: 5th November 2024

To submit your songs, use this form: https://forms.gle/yMhFWhTUEtLZXxgW8

That's it! If you have any more questions, feel free to leave a comment down there.

Have fun! And happy summer holidays! =)